Care About Climate Change
Our time to save the planet is running out. Discover essential resources for climate action and awareness.
This is a countdown for the amount of time we have to avoid our global temperature rising 1.5 degrees Celsius. After this point we will inevitably experience horrible climate impacts with no point of return.
Some Current Consequences
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Learn about the increasing amount and severity of storms. As well as their consequences.
Learn about the consequences of increasing global temperatures.
Learn about the effects of ocean temperatures rising.
Get Involved In Climate Change Action
Things you can do
- Reduce energy use. Some ways include unplugging appliances you're not using and using energy efficient light bulbs. Turn off lights you're not using.
- Conserve water. Take shorter showers, empty water out of closed containers, switch to water efficient appliances.
- Eat less meat. Specifically beef. Beef production leaves a huge carbon footprint. Contribute to that less than usual and choose alternatives.
- Sustainable transportation. Use sustainable options when you can, like walking, biking, and public transportation. Avoid airplane traveling and driving unnecessary places and distances.
- Recycle. Recycling materials properly helps limit the creation of new materials and pollution caused by old ones.
- Limit food waste. Don't overindulge when buying food. Buy only what you will use and try to purchase sustainable options. If you do have food waste, composting is a way to put it to good use.
- Purchase sustainably. Research the companies you are buying things from. Only support ones that use sustainable practices as much as possible.
- Get informed and educate others. Knowledge is power. Learn about what you can do to help your community. Advocate for yourself and your neighbors.
Click the buttons below to learn more.
Help Your Local Community
You can make a change by starting where you live. Research organizations in your area that accept volunteers. Contribute your time to make a difference. If you can't find anything in your community then create something yourself and involve the people you know. Some ideas are:
- Park/beach clean-ups
- Donate items to places in your area
- Support local businesses
- Help with/create a community garden
- Participate in your local food pantry
- Organize a peaceful protest to spread awareness
- Learn about the climate issues in your community
These are all ways you can help to make positive advancements towards climate change action. By helping the community you live in, you can make an impact on the rest of the world around you. No effort is insignificant.